I am still a "we." Still pregnant.
Last week's big news: the second GBS culture came back NEGATIVE! Twice, actually, because they tested two different ways. Negative, negative. Woohoo! No IVs for me.
Big news #2: my husband got an unexpected promotion and is now in San Antonio in training. For 5 weeks. A big difference from the normal 24-on, 48-off schedule. His first day was today and he found out that he'll still be bale to leave to come home for the labor/baby when we need him. It's a little more complicated than usual, but not at all impossible. So that's good.
And today's news:
Chiropractor was boring as always. My feet/ankles are swollen-- enough that my normal shoes are uncomfortable, but not enough that anybody thinks it's anything more than normal end-of-pregnancy stuff. I look at them and am reminded of my grandmother's crazy-swollen feet. Icky. Anyway, the chiro took note, though I'm skeptical about her ability to do anything about it.
Midwife appointment was more interesting, since she did a cervical check. I am 3 cm dilated (+2 since 36 weeks), 50% effaced (same), and baby is still floating (same). I really think that once he gets engaged in my pelvis, we can get this show on the road, so hopefully we can make that happen soon! Fundal height is 36.5 cm, blood pressure good, urine test still negative for any signs of pre-eclampsia. All good!
Oh, dinner is ready (feeling spoiled and like a bad hostess, having dinner cooked for me!)-- better sign off here. Any day now...
Hahaha!!!!!!!!! Not on your post, but on the Europe song. Had it in my head all day!
Posted by: Cara | 08/16/2010 at 07:31 PM